At the heart of   lsace, the hearty Alsace

Picnic at the winemaker's - SOLD OUT

  • Elpev
  • ©Domaine Dischler


Bring the whole family and enjoy a convivial outing to discover the wines of the Dischler estate. Meet at the estate at 10.30 a.m., then depart at 11 a.m. for a guided tour of the vineyards in the presence of Nathalie and André, the estate's winemakers. They'll explain in greater detail how the vines work. For lunch, the Dischler estate provides a barbecue, which participants can use and bring their own lunch. Wines will be provided by Domaine Dischler, giving you the opportunity to taste the different products. Desserts will be on sale in aid of the Club Vosgien de Molsheim-Mutzig. In the afternoon, visitors can tour the winery and its facilities to learn how the estate's products are made. On reservation, limited seating.