At the heart of   lsace, the hearty Alsace

  • bicycle, cycle, cycling route, canal, Bruche, Alsace, Molsheim

    Along the Bruche river

    The Bruche canal cycle route

    The bike path was built on the old towpath of the Bruche Canal . 

    Credits: S. Spach

  • Canoë, kayak, Bruche, rivière, Alsace, sortie, Molsheim

    Kayaking on the Bruche river

    Guided discovery tour on the river

    Discovery of the fauna and the flora along the Bruche river with a kayak. Guided tours scheduled from May to September

    Credits: S. Spach

  • vineyard, path, walk, hiking, vines, Alsace, Molsheim, Wolxheim

    Walking through the vineyard

    On the vineyard path

    Hiking through the vineyard of the Region Molsheim-Mutzig and the Vosges forest near Nideck

    Credits: J-F. Rouge

Region Molsheim-Mutzig

Located at the heart of Alsace, just 20 kilometres from Strasbourg, the District Molsheim - Mutzig region is in the heart of nature between hills, plain and vineyard.

Driving along the wine road, hiking on the paths GR51-52, visiting the Alsatian plain, making a pilgrimage on the way down to Santiago de Compostela: there is a lot to do here. You will have to choose between the many hiking paths, the cycling routes,  the kayak tours, the guided vineyard walks, etc... 

Randonnée dans les Vosges

A wide range of activities

Medieval christmasmarket - image

Medieval christmasmarket

Théâtre - Cadavre exquis [Comédie absurde] - Présentation de la saison - image

Théâtre - Cadavre exquis [Comédie absurde] - Présentation de la saison

Théâtre - 20 ans après (comédie) - image

Théâtre - 20 ans après (comédie)

Humour - La boîte à sketchs - image

Humour - La boîte à sketchs

Spectacle - Yann Stotz dans Popcorn - image

Spectacle - Yann Stotz dans Popcorn

Théâtre musical -  Prévert pour Vivre d’après l’œuvre de Jacques Prévert - image

Théâtre musical - Prévert pour Vivre d’après l’œuvre de Jacques Prévert